Power of the Podcast: Serendipitous Synergies!

Incredible outcomes brought to life via podcasting.

🌅 May Forecast: An Abundance of Content

  1. Tonya Romin x Benny Mathews Collab!

  2. Much Love Ep 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38

  3. Grateful Guest on the Be Helpful Podcast

  4. May 22 | Village Networking @ Bell Works

  5. June 12 | Uptown Networking @ CoCo & Blu

  6. July 11 | JNF Windy City Soiree

  7. Introducing FWD Newsletters by Noble Digital

  8. Coming Soon: The Yoga Center in Elgin

🌐 World’s Collide: The Power of Podcast Networking

Curating a network comes with many perks, and my favorite is being able to connect friends. From sourcing vendors, clients, centers of influence and more, sending introductions is a regular activity for me. Now that the podcast is picking up steam (120 subscribers on YouTube), guests are starting to network with each other!

Just last week, guest Benny Mathew (Founder of Orion3) heard Tonya Romin’s episode about Hardly Water and was moved to reach out. The two are now collaborating for the launch party of the Foode App, which will debut at a special curated experience.

Another incredible connection point has been with guest Ben Billups (Noble Digital) and Josh Furstoss (Incued). I was able to put these two in touch last month and they have since uncovered several opportunities for collaboration. Inspiring action for the listeners has always been my top priority, and it is incredible gratifying to watch what unfolds for my guests. This entire experience has filled my heart with much love!

🔊 May is FULL of Much Love Podcast Episodes

I owe a massive thank you to Jamie Owers from Social Ignition. With his team’s dedication, we have been cranking out content non-stop. I’m not sure how long we will keep this pace, so I hope you enjoy today’s bounty.

🌊 Holistic Planning for Success | Be Helpful Podcast

In this episode of the Be Helpful Podcast, Gboyega Adebayo and I dive deep into the topic of integrated planning (thanks to Chris Minchella for the intro). We discuss the unique approach of holistic planning, which considers not just business goals but personal values and life priorities. Additionally, we explore our respective relationships with time, control and intentionality. Tune in to learn how this approach can lead to more meaningful success!

📅 Upcoming Events

In a world where you can do anything, it’s hard to remember I can’t do everything. Below are three upcoming events in the Chicagoland area I will be attending:

  1. May 22 | Village Networking @ Bell Works

  2. June 12 | Uptown Networking @ CoCo & Blu

  3. July 11 | JNF Windy City Soiree

📨 Grow Your Email List with FWD Newsletters

Fwd: is a project of NOBLE. Their mission is to elevate the global quality of life by enabling brands to reach the right people on the right channel at the right time with the right information.

They've cracked the code for growing any newsletter.

Grow your newsletter for just $0.75/email!

It’s really that simple. Learn more today!

🧘🏽‍♂️ Coming Soon: The Yoga Center in Elgin

Friend and client Michael Liang (aka Yoga Michael) is building out a new Yoga Studio in Downtown Elgin. Offerings will include classes, massage, workshops, and yoga teacher training. The latest wins include securing a location (thank you Ron Roberti for securing a fantastic lease) and passing the city zoning meeting! I’m truly inspired for his vision and look forward to sharing future progress.

Subscribe to The Much Love Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Amazon, and iHeartRadio.

What else can I improve?

If you’ve watched an episode, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

  • What did you like?

  • What made you turn it off?

  • How can I do better?

  • Who would you love to see on the show?

Reply to this message, or send me an email at [email protected].

Wishing you a life beyond your wildest dreams!

Much Love,