Embracing silence to start the summer

What have you been up to in June?

🧘🏽 June Recap: Embracing Silence!

  1. Note from N8 on Mental Health

  2. The Impact of Antisemitism on Mental Health

  3. Grateful Guest on the Daily Influence

  4. 20 Ways to Monetize Your Newsletter

  5. Much Love 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47

  6. July 11 | JNF Windy City Soirée

  7. July 13 | Women's Self Defense Class

🤯 June is Men’s Mental Health Month

I have a great respect for mental health. I’ve spent over a decade working to better understand myself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Coming to grips with my character defects, finding tools to bring balance to life, and sharing how I feel openly and honestly with those around me.

At the end of May, I was feeling extremely burned out. Depression was creeping back in. Business was slow. My schedule was packed. My body was tired. I needed space for myself. I decided I was going to take the month of June off.

No, I wasn’t going to quit working. But I took the month off from trying to “figure things out.” I made a commitment to greatly reduce what I said yes to. I stopped filming the podcast. I stopped listening to other podcasts. I only took essential meetings.

I scheduled more time for yoga, 12-step meetings, and spaciousness to simply be. My wife and I celebrated her birthday in Michigan . We traveled to California to see friends and celebrate a cousin’s wedding.

A funny thing happened.

Much Love Letter - June - Men's Mental Health

I felt rested for the first time in months. I returned to the present moment. Living one day at a time went from aspiration to reality.

I started connecting with more clients. Opened more doors and opportunities. Closed more business.

I reconnected with how it feels to love life!

I don’t have it all figured out. The beauty is I don’t have to.

I realize more each day the gift of now.

Who knows what July will bring?

I am grateful I slowed down. Made time to be silent. Made time to be.

Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. I find the kinder I am to myself, the easier it is to be kind to others.

“In a world where you can be anything, always be kind,” Michelle Ruben

✡️ David Telisman on Antisemitism and Mental Health

David Telisman is a writer. He is also a father, husband, and son. I’m proud to call David a friend. I recently celebrated shabbat with his family, and he is the guest of honor for Much Love Podcast episode 40. I was deeply moved by his latest piece about the impact of antisemitism on mental health. If this intersection appeals to you, check out the article below!

🌞 Grateful to Join Daily Influence Podcast

In this episode of the Daily Influence, host Gregg-Brooke Koleno asked me about how positivity works in my life. I shared bits about overcoming a negative mindset, ways positivity has influenced others, and even some of my recent health struggles. Join us for an inspiring conversation that reminds us of the profound impact positivity can have on our lives and those around us!

🐝 From Our Partners @ Beehiiv

🔊 New Episodes of the Much Love Podcast

🌆 Windy City Soirée | July 11th | Nearly Sold Out!

I’d love for you to be my guest at the upcoming Windy City Soirée!

It’s the JNFuture Chicago Young Professionals biggest social event of the year. A chance for us to introduce the next generation of leaders to the JNF mission and opportunity to meet interesting folks from around the city.

It’s going to be an amazing evening with a great speaker, an open bar, delicious food, and a bountiful networking opportunities.

I’d love to see you there with some friends! Currently fewer than 30 tickets remaining. Sign up before we sell out!

🥊 Women’s Self-Defense | July 13th

I was blessed to connect with Jennifer (Ramirez) Solarte, Founder of &Rise. Her mission is to empower women to be the ultimate versions of themselves no matter what adversities they’ve faced! &Rise offers events and services for women to help them be the best versions of themselves. These inlcude free counseling for women in Illinois, free support groups, financial education, life coaching, women’s empowerment events, and personal and professional development workshops. Check out the upcoming self defense class!

Subscribe to The Much Love Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Amazon, and iHeartRadio.

What else can I improve?

If you’ve watched an episode, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

  • What did you like?

  • What made you turn it off?

  • How can I do better?

  • Who would you love to see on the show?

Reply to this message, or send me an email at [email protected].

Wishing you a life beyond your wildest dreams!

Much Love,