Learn how our community is showing up and winning!

Welcome back #MuchLove Community,

Today’s edition of the Much Love Letter celebrates community! Highlights include:

  1. Clients Conquering Challenges: Announcing client wins

  2. Impactful Community Events: Recapping partner events

  3. Latest Long-Form Content: New podcast episodes

  4. Artistic Ask: Explore a one-of-a-kind opportunity

Clients Conquering Challenges

Laura Lian has launched their new website! If you don’t know Laura and Dirk, you are missing out on two of the kindest, down-to-earth business owners I’ve been blessed to work with. Their mission is to be the premier partner that unites people and brands. From brand analysis to creation, they inspire the world through strategic design.

Laura Lian Williams, Dirk Vander Noot, Gabriel Elizondo | Laura Lian Creative Partners

N8 Ventures welcomes our newest client, Ben Billups of NOBLE Digital. NOBLE leads the email marketing industry in reputation recovery, rapid scaling of owned audiences, and list monetization for ecommerce brands and publishers. Ben is the go-to for anyone in the CPG or eCommerce world looking to run mass email marketing campaigns ethically and effectively.

‘Ridiculously creative’ is a term that describes Ben well. He dramatically increased the efficiency of the team.

Brian Austgen | Marketing Director @ Intellicheck

Impactful Community Events

I flew out to Los Angeles for 8 Figure Live. This event catered to agencies scaling through superior operations. My team worked with Jordan Ross when I ran Ruben Digital, and today he is a N8 Ventures personal prosperity planning client!

8Figure Agency Jordan Ross and N8 Ventures Nate Ruben

Jordan cultivated a PHENOMENAL community! I learned a ton from outstanding keynote speakers (see tweet below). I met incredibly collaborative agency owners. Best of all, I supported a friend while he crushed his first event, generating over $100K in sales that day!

I attended The Art of Asking at The Art Center in Highland Park, IL. Rick Krosnick (friend of the podcast) was a featured panel speaker, and the event was moderated by another friend, Courtney Olsen (SVP at First Bank Chicago).

They didn’t say no. They said “Oh”

Rick Krosnick | Chief Development Officer at Jewish National Fund

My biggest takeaway came when Rick recounted a story. Rick was on a solicitation call with a first-time potential major donor. The prospective donor was a bit shocked hearing Rick’s ask, but they ended up finding a good starting point for the new donor to contribute. The moral of the story is it is better to ask for too much than too little, or worse, not asking at all.

Nate Ruben, Courtney Olsen, Rick Krosnick, Loro Dekalo

Latest Long-Form Content

Live Beyond Default LiveStream Ep.57

Dave LoSavio invited me on his live-stream (bi-weekly across LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook.) Dave is a high-energy, glass half-full, UBER grateful dude!

I love the show being LIVE. We take questions and interact with the audience as it is happening. This two-way flow of energy is such a gift! See the replay below:

MuchLove Podcast Ep.16

"When you have nothing left, the only thing you can do is create."

Josh and I connect on another level. I recognized something in Josh that lives in me. That driving force to create. The trauma response we call "entrepreneurship".

I felt a sense of Namaste, or when the Na'vi say "I see you".

The more episodes of this podcast I am blessed to create, the more I learn about myself through my guest.

Artistic Ask

The holidays are around the corner. Struggling to find that one-of-a-kind gift? John Born has entered the chat.

Artist John Born

John Born stars as the very first Much Love Podcast guest. He is the artist man behind the Biggie x Jay-Z collab displayed proudly in my office.

Looking to create or improve your newsletter?

Build on the platform we use…Beehiiv!

Until next time… Much Love!
Nate Ruben | N8 Ventures
Nate Ruben

Helping passionate professionals live their dream ✳️ Building community amongst value-aligned leaders 🤝🏽 Closing the racial wealth gap 🧡 MuchLove Podcast & Newsletter